PAS-3i Palletization Alignment System

Modern production concepts manufacture punches and dies directly on pallets of reference clamping systems.
Often it is necessary to align punches and dies on pallets. This is the case when existing unpalletized tools (existing tools) should be placed first time on pallets, or when newly produced tools have to be corrected regarding the position to the pallet. Another important application arises from the necessary positioning of wire cutted punches, which cannot be manufactured on pallets in the wire cut process.
The PAS-3i system moves according to the position deviations ΔX, ΔY and ΔC the compaction tool to the target position (ΔX=ΔY=ΔC=0). The position deviations are measured in relation to the reference clamping system on a coordinate measurement machine. Deviations in the die position in relation to the reference clamping system will be calculated in the target position of the punch.

Following reference clamping systems are supported:
- Erowa, ProGrit, System 3R°
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